Friday, January 18, 2013

Semester Sum Up

  1. Question: Describe what you have learned about the process a Ceramicist goes through in creating various Forms and functions for pottery. Include your personal experience working in the art of ceramics this Semester
  1. Through the Semester I have learned techniques to use for the process a ceramicist goes through. From pinch-pots to the wheel it all has to be planned out. The first step is to draw out any ideas you have: brainstorm! Draw from any inspiration you can think of; whether your pet, the seasons, or your friends. I was inspired by places I have been in the past and have memories of. The second step is planning. If you are to make a pinch-pot you have to account for the size of clay that will fit in your hand and if combining pinch-pots, the materials needed to do so. Or if you plan to make a slab piece you have to make templates. When making the mug, I had to make templates for the cup and design a handle. The third step is to get all materials needed before starting. This is very important when using the wheel because who ever is using the wheel is covered in clay and can't grab anything. Next is the form part. After you have cut the slabs let them go from plastic to leather hard. It is easier to keep the shape this way when creating the form. I had to score each side then use slip to keep the slabs together. I also had to use some of the wooden tools to merge the sides together in order to be seamless. When making a mug or pot, I had the option to make a handle. I had to grab a ball of clay and dunk it in water then pull it until I got the length and width needed. I then twisted an pushed it to the shape I wanted and let it turn leather hard. After the form is built and is overall leather hard, I could carve out details or images I wanted, some surface decoration. Once this is all done, I let my piece turn bone dry in order to be fired in the kiln. Then I would glaze my piece and fire it once more and fawl-la it is done.

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